How Animal Activism Is Changing The World

Until recently, animal and environmental activism were limited to a small passionate few. However, since veganism exploded, the idea of taking care of animals and the environment is more accepted and dare I say cool.

The plight of animals in animal agriculture is increasingly becoming more openly revealed and noticed. The decline of environmental health is now heard and seen by the masses. All of this is surmounting to a beautiful change in the world. A step to a planet whose people respect the creatures they share it with and are asking for better methods of living.



Veganism has grown exponentially in the past five years. Important issues such as animal exploitation, social issues around people working at slaughterhouses, health and of course environmental struggle due to animal agriculture have all made their way into everyday conversations, essential for moving towards change.

Despite vegans being a small minority of the world’s population, only around 3%, they have made enough noise and spoken to enough people to bring the above-mentioned issues to the foreground and initiate change.

But it doesn’t end with vegans. Non-vegans, who are reducing their consumption is also spreading awareness to consume less and not to support companies with poor practices and regulations, activism in their own way reaching people that vegans would not have. All coming together and adding up More people are spreading the message within their communities. “Animal lives matter. Sustainability matters. Health matters”. 

Equality between species

One of the most noticeable achievements of veganism is creating equality between species—a call to reflect on the belief that humans are superior to animals in every way.

What vegans bring to light is that creatures of any species have unique abilities and powers. All species intertwine within the circle of life (including us) authentically and powerfully. Take bees, for example. Their simple role in pollination is what keeps our crops going; without them, we face a grim future.

Cows show have strong maternal bonds similar if not the same way humans do. They show strong emotions of joy, playfulness and fear in the face of death. This is a strong reason why milk and milk products are boycotted.

Pigs are some of the most intelligent animal species out there, showing an intelligence akin to that of a 3-year-old. Locking them in pens and taking their young from them causes them immense distress.

Vegans want people to know that we should understand the concept of “speciesism“. Veganism is a movement that seeks to create equality for all animals. Each species, no matter size or perceived consciousness, is valued and protected. We wish to acknowledge and respect animals and their right to live their lives as they are naturally intended to.


One of the most amazing things that have come about with the vegan movement is a call for companies to become transparent in manufacturing and farming practices.

It is well known that abattoirs are legally allowed to deny a member of public entrance into their facilities, something that vegans are actively pushing to end. It’s a call for companies to

The rise of veganism has brought transparency and ethics to the forefront of one of the biggest aspects of our lives: Food.

Your Next Vegan Fragrance

Dolma Fragrances was established in 1982 and have not looked back since. We offer bespoke perfumes, aftershaves and bath and body items, all certified vegan and cruelty-free.

Don’t know which is for you? Why not try our perfume discovery box set with all 12 perfumes or our aftershave discovery box set with all 4 aftershaves.

Find your next vegan perfume or vegan aftershave at Dolma Fragrances.


The vegan movement, as well as the waste-free movement, is a great example of accountability and taking responsibility. People are facing the facts of what they are buying into. People want to take responsibility for our personal contribution toward industries that exploit animals and the environment.

Vegans stand united to bring to light the plight of animals and the burden on the planet. They interact with friends and family and may not convert everyone, but will definitely have a subtle impact on peoples purchasing and dietary decisions. Their belief in their mission subtly empowers others around them to take action in their own lives.

Accountability acts like compound interest. Those committed to animal activism inspire others to take action, for animals, the environment or people which in turn inspires others collectively amounting to bug change – more and more people seeing the issues and taking action.


Finally and most exciting is innovation.

The last two years have brought forward incredible products, first and foremost is almost identical meat alternative such as Beyond Meat and Impossible, both revolutionizing the alternative meat landscape and furthermore encouraging other plant-based developments.

Most recently the exact protein in cheese was isolated and will be incorporated into soybeans to create what they define as ‘bio-identical cheese products’ that are 100% vegan. Even lab-grown meat can’t claim 100% vegan, a massive win for animals and the planet.

This is however not the end of animal activism. We must continue to push for innovation in the food industry and also in the fashion industry to curb societies reliance on animal-based ingredients. One way to support this is by buying into new innovations and showing big corps there is money to be made in alternatives.

The future is looking good.

A compassionate and sustainable world is not here just yet, but it’s coming along. More people are seeing and accepting the truth and are open to change. One by one bringing forth a new world.

Whether you are vegan or not, support vegan products as far as you can. Move forward with an open mind and an open heart. We do not wish to force everyone to go vegan right now. We encourage people to take steps. All steps count. If ditching meat is not right for you just yet, buy meat that is local and ethical and reduce your consumption to once a week or once a month as a treat.

Taking the above steps alone will have a profound effect on your health, animal welfare and the planet.

Together, our animal activism can change the world.
